A masterclass for creating change that lasts.

* JANUARY 11, 2023 *

7pm EST

A masterclass for creating change that lasts.

* JANUARY 11, 2023 *


Learn how to break ANY habit or enhance any aspect of your life without relying on willpower or wasting time and energy

See What Our Clients Have To Say:

New Year's resolutions are great! But let's face it: most of us never follow through on them.

By Valentine’s Day, those resolutions have tanked. And we’re left with another year of excess weight, that nasty pack-a-day habit, porn shame, the beer-belly, God-awful hangover…

…and the epic life we dreamed of is just that – another dream we didn’t achieve.

Another year of SUCK...

We know your story. We’ve lived your story. And we know exactly why resolutions fail.

It’s because we try to make changes to our lives using sheer willpower alone. And willpower is a very limited resource.

In fact, for most, their daily allotment of willpower is drained by the time they make it to the office.

But what if I told you that there's a secret weapon you can use to shatter your old patterns and create lasting change?

And that everyone already has this secret weapon? Like owning your own personal jet… with no clue how to start the thing. Much less, fly it.

If you're ready to become the Top Gun pilot of your life, we have something special for you...

Shatter Your Patterns™ is a live training that usually happens over a weekend and clients pay $5k+ to attend. We're offering it to you online for just $149!

And even less when you take action now.

Why would we do that?

Because we want to serve more people. We only take 2 private clients a month and our group events are limited. While that model provides incredible life change at unbelievable speed, it severely limits the number of people we can serve.

Learn how to break ANY habit or enhance any aspect of your life without relying on willpower or wasting time and energy

See What Our Clients Have To Say:

New Year's resolutions are great! But let's face it: most of us never follow through on them.

By Valentine’s Day, those resolutions have tanked. And we’re left with another year of excess weight, that nasty pack-a-day habit, porn shame, the beer-belly, God-awful hangover…

…and the epic life we dreamed of is just that – another dream we didn’t achieve.

Another year of SUCK...

We know your story. We’ve lived your story. And we know exactly why resolutions fail.

It’s because we try to make changes to our lives using sheer willpower alone. And willpower is a very limited resource.

In fact, for most, their daily allotment of willpower is drained by the time they make it to the office.

But what if I told you that there's a secret weapon you can use to shatter your old patterns and create lasting change?

And that everyone already has this secret weapon? Like owning your own personal jet… with no clue how to start the thing. Much less, fly it.

If you're ready to become the Top Gun pilot of your life, we have something special for you...

Shatter Your Patterns™ is a live training that usually happens over a weekend and clients pay $5k+ to attend. We're offering it to you online for just $149!

And even less when you take action now.

Why would we do that???

Because we want to serve more people. We only take 2 private clients a month and our group events are limited. While that model provides incredible life change at unbelievable speed, it severely limits the number of people we can serve.

Here's the deal...

We are SO CONFIDENT that this class will give you what you need to finally have the success you've always dreamed of, we're offering something better than a refund.

You only pay $1 when you sign up and you won't be charged the full price ($149) until 48 hours after the live session!

You can literally try before you buy!

If you don't feel like you got value, you can simply send us an email (address released at the end of the class) after the class and request to cancel.

Play Big Bonus Offer...

If you are 100% in and don't care about the refund guarantee, you can pay in full right now and get the class for just $97!

Here's the deal...

We are SO CONFIDENT that this class will give you what you need to finally have the success you've always dreamed of, we're offering something better than a refund.

You only pay $1 when you sign up and you won't be charged the full price ($149) until 48 hours after the live session!

You can literally try before you buy!

If you don't feel like you got at least $300 value, you can simply send us an email (address released at the end of the class) after the class and request to cancel.

Play Big Bonus Offer...

If you are 100% in and don't care about the refund guarantee, you can pay in full right now and get the class for just $97!

Hi! We’re Keith and Ariel. We're Psychetects - detectives and architects of the human psyche and its interplay with the body and world at large. Some of our clients call us coaches while others call us mind alchemists and occasionally they even throw out the term “magicians”.

But what we really do is use our vast knowledge of the human organism, from the psyche to the nervous system, and beyond and years of expertise to help our clients achieve their dream lives –

 Our program, Shatter Your Patterns, is launching on January 11, 2023. It is designed to help you tap into your potential, modify what you desire and create the life you've always wanted. Once and for all.

What would it feel like to go from owning a jet… with no friggin’ clue of how to access, much less use it…

To becoming a Top Gun pilot?

Through a series of interactive lessons and exercises, you'll learn how to identify and shatter the patterns that have been holding you back. 

You'll learn the magic of mental alchemy to create lasting transformation in your life.

And, you'll discover the architecture of your mind and the map of your body and how to harness it – the right way! – to manifest your desires.

So don't let another New Year's resolution fall by the wayside. Join us for Shatter Your Patterns and take control of your life like never before.

Sign up now and start your journey towards lasting change!

Hi! We’re Keith and Ariel. We're Psychetects - detectives and architects of the human psyche and its interplay with the body and world at large. Some of our clients call us coaches while others call us mind alchemists and occasionally they even throw out the term “magicians”.

But what we really do is use our vast knowledge of the human organism, from the psyche to the nervous system, and beyond and years of expertise to help our clients achieve their dream lives –

 Our program, Shatter Your Patterns™ is launching on January 11, 2023.

It is designed to help you tap into your potential, modify what you desire and create the life you've always wanted. Once and for all.

What would it feel like to go from owning a jet… with no friggin’ clue of how to access, much less use it…

To becoming a Top Gun pilot?

Through a series of interactive lessons and exercises, you'll learn how to identify and shatter the patterns that have been holding you back. 

You'll learn the magic of mental alchemy to create lasting transformation in your life.

And, you'll discover the architecture of your mind and the map of your body and how to harness it – the right way! – to manifest your desires.

So don't let another New Year's resolution fall by the wayside. Join us for Shatter Your Patterns and take control of your life like never before.

Sign up now and start your journey towards lasting change!

What You're Getting:

  • The Keys To Success $PRICELESS

  • Shatter Your Patterns™ Course $1497

  • Meanings Workbook $297

  • Habit Change Checklist $97

  • Trigger Finder Script $97

  • Journal Prompts $27

****Total Value Over $2000!****

You're Going To...

  • Discover the hidden traps in your mind that sabotage you & your success

  • Learn the magic of mental alchemy

  • Make lasting changes that will help you get the results you want

  • Smash old habits and behaviors faster and with less effort

  • Finally achieve the success you've always dreamed of

  • Truly become the Pilot & Captain of your life

What You're Getting:


  • Shatter Your Patterns™ Course $1497

  • Meanings Workbook $297

  • Habit Change Checklist $97

  • Trigger Finder Script $97

  • Journal Prompts $27

****Total Value Over $2000!****

You're Going To...

  • Discover the hidden traps in your mind that sabotage you & your success

  • Learn the magic of mental alchemy

  • Make lasting changes that will help you get the results you want

  • Smash old habits and behaviors faster and with less effort

  • Finally achieve the success you've always dreamed of

  • Truly become the Pilot & Captain of your life



We believe that success is the result of taking responsibility of your life. Examples given should not be considered typical and there is never a guarantee of results. Information provided is educational in nature and is not medical, legal or financial advice. By using this website or any related materials you agree to take full responsibility for your own results, or lack thereof.

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